10 May

This entry originated from an email correspondence with a friend.

Hello again, Chuck!

I realized I didn't quite answer your questions earlier and took another swing at it.

"Question: When a person robs or kills, is it that they interrupt the realities of order that have been developed for us as what is right or wrong? Who determines what our order of realities should be?"

Great questions! Right and wrong are tied to our actions, not our storylines (reality). When a person kills someone, they end a consciousness that was traveling through one of their possible realities. It was one storyline out of an infinitude of them. The victim's storyline ended from a bad action, but that doesn't mean their life (storyline) was good or bad. The murderer's actions can be called bad, but the storyline can't be judged that way.

Now, as for what is right and wrong, they are concepts relative to our perception. It boils down to "good = order", "bad = disorder." Right and wrong (or good and bad) have no meaning at the atomic level. Atoms are perfectly ordered. But at our level of perception, which is relative and conceptual (not fundamental like atoms), disorder arises. For comparison, you can't call musical notes wrong until you put them into a song, an order, and then play the wrong note. Our choices can create order or disorder, and that determines if the choices are good or bad. Order also leads to creation while disorder leads to destruction.

My theory is, the murder victim was living one path within an infinite number of paths. Just because he only perceived one path, it doesn't make that path more valuable. I can look back on my actions and call them good or bad, but the path itself is neutral and serves its purpose equally. Thus, all the paths have equal value. Delete one of those paths (which is impossible), and part of that person's reality is destroyed whether they perceive it or not.

Every possible path is predetermined because order is predetermined, and our possible paths are all around us, waiting to be chosen. Also, our past actions constantly change the variables and send us along a different path. For instance, I could decide to throw my computer across the room and break it, but I would rather be productive and keep writing. No matter what I choose, all the paths create a person's holistic potential. Thus they are equally valuable.

Going back to what is good and bad, murder is bad because it destroys something orderly, a life. Life is orderly and creates more life, which is good. Murder is destroying order. If you murder a serial killer (in self-defenses or to save future lives), that's a different story and has to be closely scrutinized. Otherwise, murder is destructive and causes suffering. Cancer is when cells mutate and lose their orderly function and begin destroying life. Hate for something orderly leads to destruction and suffering. Like racism and sexism are hatred for things that are different, not things that are actually bad like the illogical hatred itself. Even destruction can be a good choice in the right circumstance, like with self-defense. If you are being violently attacked by someone, you have the right to defend yourself if you can't runaway, and you may have to hurt or kill the attacker to save yourself. Selfish anger is also destructive while Selfless love is constructive. All good things are orderly and fruitful. All bad things are disorderly and destructive, but in the end, we still have to use our logic to determine if something really is good or bad.

We know order is good and beautiful. We can see it in nature. Living a good life should lead to more happiness, BUT someone else can ruin your happiness by murdering half of your family. That's why a society should encourage everyone to live a good life and punish those that consistently destroy life, or limit their destructive actions by imprisoning them. That is the birth of ethics, humans working together to create an orderly society where people can thrive.

Have a great weekend, Chuck!

P.S. you earlier wrote, "I wouldn't say that the Higgs Boson Particle is the heart of all atoms." It may not be, but with my theory in mind, I think it is a great way to refer to it. Look at what CERN wrote about the Higgs boson particle on their landing page.

"You and everything around you are made of particles. But when the universe began, no particles had mass; they all sped around at the speed of light. Stars, planets and life could only emerge because particles gained their mass from a fundamental field associated with the Higgs boson. The existence of this mass-giving field was confirmed in 2012, when the Higgs boson particle was discovered at CERN." 

The Higgs Field speaks to the Higgs boson, which gives particles their gravity/energy which equals their mass times the speed of light squared (E=Mc^2). I revise my statement, the Higgs boson particle is the heart and brain of every atom, and the Higgs field determines our paths. In a way, the Higgs field can be described as the will of God. Flipping amazing, isn't it?

Afterthought, my theory (aligned with Einstein's view of time and motion being an illusion) the past, present, and future exists together all at once. Our perception travel's through the storyline (jumping from one limited snapshot to another in a determined direction) causing the illusion of motion and time, creating a story. Keeping this in mind, the Higgs boson particle is still at the heart of every atom, even after it performs its fundamental function at the beginning of the storyline. A majority of reality exists outside of our perception, and every tiny piece is necessary to maintain all of reality. The past doesn't disappear when we stop perceiving it. Every part of reality is fundamental and essential to every other part and is always there. If one tiny part vanishes, all of reality would follow. Simply put, nothing exists without order and nothing can be perceived without order.

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