To Live is to Perceive

"Reality is resistance to chaos."

Einstein knew our perception distorts reality and vice versa. We use storylines to describe particles since that is how we perceive reality. Einstein's physics is perfect for measuring how we see the universe, but it is not the actual state of the universe. Data is as good as the tools you have to measure it. Thus understanding the limits of our perception is critical.

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Who benefits when chatbots replace humans? We should proceed with caution before we risk devaluing humanity with our creations. To live is to perceive. If someone says otherwise, they're a robot.

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Right and wrong are tied to our actions, not our storylines (reality). It boils down to "good = order", "bad = disorder." Right and wrong (or good and bad) have no meaning at the atomic level. Atoms are perfectly ordered. But at our level of perception, which is relative and conceptual (not fundamental like atoms), disorder arises.

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Human consciousness isn't strictly held inside of our brains. It's more like an energy field that extends outward until it reaches the limits of our perception.

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The universe has a speed limit, and it's the speed of light. It makes me wonder if our reality exists inside a super massive black hole, and we can't escape it because mass can't accelerate beyond the speed of light. Can anything escape the singularity?

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Testing reality. If it's real, then it has resistance. Gravity is the result of the universe holding itself together.

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Into the Wild Blue...
What is the nature of reality? What does is mean to be real? What is the limit of our knowledge? Perception is the key, but it can fool you. Understanding the foundation of our knowledge is the first step to understanding reality.

Albert Einstein once wrote, "People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Time, in other words, he said, is an illusion. Many physicists since have shared this view, that true reality is timeless.
Challenge our logic any time!